There's something very special about seeing a couple say “I do” in the middle of a field in Castleton, among the foothills of Lose Hill and Mam Tor in the Peak District. Doubly so when the bride comes down the aisle to music courtesy of her drumming brother and fiddle playing sister-in-law, and then the celebrant opens proceedings with a Beastie Boys line.

Jane and Kieran absolutely did their wedding day their way at Castleton Rotary Club, which Jane had firmly made her stamp on by yarn-bombing! Following the musical celebrant ceremony everyone headed to the hall for a wedding breakfast that everyone had helped to create. After which, we all stocked up on supplies and headed out for a hike up and around Lose Hill. Honestly, it’s got to be the best way to beat that post-wedding breakfast lull! 

Half way back down I spotted a field full of buttercups with Mam Tor and Winnats Pass rising behind it. “Can we just pop in there for some photos?” was followed by a very loud “Yes!”. And with much twirling of her rainbow petticoated dress, Jane and Kieran ran into the field. 

Back at the Rotary Club ice creams were duly handed out, as were a large number of bride Jane’s hula hoops. She’s a bit of a wizz when it comes to the hula hoop and let’s just say that some guests were better with them than others, and it’s way harder than it looks!

Back in the top hall things wound up for what is possibly my favorite evening wedding entertainment option - a Ceilidh. When your Dad is an ex-caller, and your brother and sister-in-law play in a band as brilliant as ‘Blackbeard’s Tea Party’ it’s really the only option Jane and Kieran were ever going to pick. As is the case with most wedding Ceilidhs, beautiful chaos ensued, and I put myself right in the middle of it. The last number of the night included the band putting the bride and groom in the middle of the floor with guests shouting their names and hokey-cokey-ing towards them. 

I’m grinning just thinking back to this one. A truly unique day.

With it being a DIY wedding the fellow suppliers list is a short one but big shout outs to:

Celebrant:   @lisawilsoncelebrant

Flowers: @hollowmeadowsflowers

Band: @blackbeardstp

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